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Find Product Market Fit
Polite Cold Email

Find Product Market Fit

Grow Your Revenue
The qualified B2B leads that we generate grow our clients’ revenue
Commission Based
Up to 70% of our fees are earned through client commissions.
Profitability First
All our funnels are designed to be profitable from day one
Find Product Market Fit
For Who
The Challenge
How We Help
Polite Cold Email
Cost Effective Channel

The first thing Founders of startups are responsible for is to find Product Market Fit (PMF). In other words: find a specific niche that is in need of your product or service in order to not run out of money.

Generally Founders have a thesis on what the market needs based on assumptions and insights. And even though the general thesis makes a lot of sense, the reality is that figuring out exactly who is your target audience is and how exactly you should explain your solution to land clients can be a gruelling process with lots of failed experiments. We have been there and know the pain firsthand!

On Finding PMF we work with the:

  • Founder(s)
  • CEO
  • CMO
  • CRO
  • Angel Investors / VCs
  • VPs of Marketing / Sales
  • Advisors to the Founders

During the early days of a startup it is crucial to separate market-signal from market-noise and stay focussed on serving the niche that truly needs your product or service the most.

But how do you find your niche? And how do you connect with the right decision maker(s)? How do you articulate your novel solution in a way that resonates with your KDM? These are questions that can only be answered by the market. Generic ads will show you metrics, but you will miss the nuance of a personal email reply from a prospective client.

Having seen many startups go to market, we know which techniques work and which ones are outdated.

We help funded startups and scale-ups set up their cold email funnel. This includes researching their ICP, assembling an Audience Target List, writing cold email copy and setting up an integration with their CRM.

The first rule of a good cold email is to make it scream: “I’m not a cold email” - without that it won’t work.

Before we send the first cold email to your prospects we conduct ~1 week of research based on your team’s input via a detailed form and intro call. Based on that research we create a Campaign Plan which we use to build the audience list and write highly targeted cold email copy.

With big platforms getting saturated, it is increasingly hard to get a good ROI or ROAS (Return on ad Spend).

Our polite cold email channel still enables our clients to achieve a ROI of 300% ~ 1000%. We also AB test each campaign from the start to ensure the winning sequence is sent out to your target audience 24/7.

To align incentives with our clients we often tie our LeadGen results to a commission on booked sales calls.

The commission per booked call varies per client and can depend on our monthly base fee and the average deal size of our client.

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Polite Cold Email for

Find Product Market Fit

The first thing Founders of startups are responsible for is to find Product Market Fit (PMF). In other words: find a specific niche that is in need of your product or service in order to not run out of money.

Generally Founders have a thesis on what the market needs based on assumptions and insights. And even though the general thesis makes a lot of sense, the reality is that figuring out exactly who is your target audience is and how exactly you should explain your solution to land clients can be a gruelling process with lots of failed experiments. We have been there and know the pain firsthand!

Down ColdFire
The Challenge

For Who

On Finding PMF we work with the:

  • Founder(s)
  • CEO
  • CMO
  • CRO
  • Angel Investors / VCs
  • VPs of Marketing / Sales
  • Advisors to the Founders

The Challenge

During the early days of a startup it is crucial to separate market-signal from market-noise and stay focussed on serving the niche that truly needs your product or service the most.

But how do you find your niche? And how do you connect with the right decision maker(s)? How do you articulate your novel solution in a way that resonates with your KDM? These are questions that can only be answered by the market. Generic ads will show you metrics, but you will miss the nuance of a personal email reply from a prospective client.


How We Help

Having seen many startups go to market, we know which techniques work and which ones are outdated.

We help funded startups and scale-ups set up their cold email funnel. This includes researching their ICP, assembling an Audience Target List, writing cold email copy and setting up an integration with their CRM.


Polite Cold Email

The first rule of a good cold email is to make it scream: “I’m not a cold email” - without that it won’t work.

Before we send the first cold email to your prospects we conduct ~1 week of research based on your team’s input via a detailed form and intro call. Based on that research we create a Campaign Plan which we use to build the audience list and write highly targeted cold email copy.


Cost Effective Channel

With big platforms getting saturated, it is increasingly hard to get a good ROI or ROAS (Return on ad Spend).

Our polite cold email channel still enables our clients to achieve a ROI of 300% ~ 1000%. We also AB test each campaign from the start to ensure the winning sequence is sent out to your target audience 24/7.



To align incentives with our clients we often tie our LeadGen results to a commission on booked sales calls.

The commission per booked call varies per client and can depend on our monthly base fee and the average deal size of our client.