An interview with Olha Sypa, Marketing Manager at Intelliarts

We sit down with Olha Sypa, Marketing Manager at Intelliarts. Intelliarts bring value to businesses across the globe by accelerating the pace of their digital transformation initiatives and expanding engineering capabilities.

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How did you end up at Intelliarts and what problem does Intelliarts solve for its clients?

In 2015 I started to help Ukrainian IT companies acquire leads and reach new markets as a lead generation specialist. Then I switched to marketing as I found there were more opportunities for growth both for me as a professional and for businesses. So currently, I work as a marketing manager at Intelliarts, which provides software development services for US companies and has an amazing team of data science and machine learning engineers.

As the Marketing manager, what are your main responsibilities at Intelliarts?

There are actually a lot of responsibilities if you are a marketing manager at a small - middle size company like ours. We are in the middle of launching a new website, so I coordinate all the processes and teams involved, designers, developers, content writers, SEO specialists. Plus, we keep running the blog on the current website and issue white papers, for which we launch the ads campaigns. I also should add that one of the most important marketing tasks is the analysis of all activities we run, as without it you can spend the resources in the wrong direction without even noticing the mistakes.

To get a bit more technical, what are some of the acquisition channels that have worked well for Intelliarts and why do you think that is?

As I said before, we have an amazing RnD team of engineers who are true machine learning enthusiasts and technology lovers. They do a great job in following the tech trends and converting the knowledge into practical cases by participating in various challenges and hackathons. Their findings and insights we describe in the articles, use cases, and white papers that we share on our website and then promote them on Linkedin, via email campaigns and Ads. So our primary goal is to deliver real value to the audience by creating high-quality content, based on Intelliarts' expertise.

At ColdFire, when we look at our clients' Marketing strategies, they vary greatly. Some have found a single, scalable client acquisition process while others thrive on a mix of top-of-funnel strategies. If you had to summarise the high-level LeadGenMarketing strategy of Intelliarts, what would it be?

Our current marketing strategy aims to build brand awareness, increase social presence and improve website performance. It is quite easy as the company operates on the market for more than 20 years and we have many positive references, and successful cooperation cases, not to mention profound tech expertise that we communicate about to the broader audience. I hope we'll also participate in the offline events, once the Ukrainian borders open again. So far, presenting the company at tech conferences and exhibitions is in the plans for the future.

What is a Marketing technique that you've used at Intelliarts or at previous companies which you believe is underutilized at most Marketing teams - and why?

I guess the communication with external service providers, partners, and organizations which the company has joined, is often overlooked. For example, the marketer might put effort into gaining the company's membership in some professional organization, create an appealing profile, have an intro call with the engagement manager of that organization, announce new membership on social media, etc. And after that, do nothing but awaits the organization will reach out with updates on membership or announcements of upcoming events. But if to build a stronger personal connection and communicate more often with the people, they will keep you and your company in mind and new opportunities might show up.

Has your Marketing team experimented with some kind of cold outbound strategy (like cold email)? If yes what was the general outcome and if no, why not?

In my previous job we launched cold email campaigns, newsletters, and email follow-ups after visiting events. I can't say that I was happy with the results but email marketing is considered of being one of the "cheapest" marketing channels, if speaking of the resources engaged but also the slowest one regarding the results. Nevertheless, I believe we will experiment more with this marketing channel once we have a suitable contacts database.

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