An interview with MacKenzie Masten, Marketing Manager at Teampay

We sit down with MacKenzie Masten, Marketing Manager at Teampay. Teampay is the first purchasing software built for modern, tech-enabled businesses. Their solutions allow companies to request, approve and track expenditures in real-time.

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How did you end up at Teampay and what problem does Teampay solve for its clients?

I came to Teampay through a mutual friend who worked with Teampay. Teampay is built to address growing companies' modern spend management needs today. We help businesses manage all types of purchasing made by anyone, anywhere, from end-to-end across all systems.

As the Digital Marketing Manager, what are your main responsibilities at Teampay?

As Teampay's Digital Marketing Manager, I oversee inbound marketing efforts through paid and organic channels. My main focus is on demand-generation marketing, utilizing email, paid social campaigns, and Google Ads. Additionally, I am responsible for our SEO and content strategy to ensure that our website provides valuable information to potential customers. Much of my work involves collaborating with Demand Gen, Sales, and RevOps to streamline the deal process through our pipeline. It's hard work but a lot of fun!

To get a bit more technical, what are some of the acquisition channels that have worked well for Teampay and why do you think that is?

We are extremely passionate about the power of paid advertising as our top channel for reaching and engaging with people. Our success has been greatly attributed to utilizing 6sense audiences and Linkedin Ads, allowing us to target individuals with messaging tailored to their unique needs. This strategy has been a game-changer for us. Furthermore, SEO is an incredibly effective method for building trust and connecting with potential customers. It provides an opportunity to showcase our brand and offerings in a meaningful way, thus increasing our visibility and credibility in the market.

What role does your Marketing team play when it comes to organising, operating and improving your marketing-sales funnel?

We like to think of ourselves as a money management firm. We constantly use real-time data to analyze our campaigns and pivot our spend based on performance and projections. In today’s marketing environment, it’s critical to our success that we remain flexible and fluid.

At ColdFire, when we look at our clients' Marketing strategies, they vary greatly. Some have found a single, scalable client acquisition process while others thrive on a mix of top-of-funnel strategies. If you had to summarise the high-level LeadGenMarketing strategy of Teampay, what would it be?

Our marketing strategy primarily focuses on hyper-specific incentive targeting across email, paid search, and paid social media. We utilize behavioral targeting to meet people where they are and provide them with the necessary software.

What is a Marketing technique that you've used at Teampay or at previous companies which you believe is underutilized at most Marketing teams - and why?

We’re seeing demand for demand generation steadily grow across the marketing job industry and it’s something I think companies need to continue to invest in. Having a team dedicated to the pipeline from every aspect of the lifecylce is really critical to the future success of teams. I think a lot of marketing teams look at data and the sales pipeline on an end-of-month basis when they really should be looking at the data on a daily and weekly basis. Data is your friend, it can be frustrating when you’re first analyzing it, but as you get a better understanding of the channel and performance, the data becomes the most important indicator of success.

Marketing can happen using combined tools and methodologies. Which has worked better for Teampay and why do you think that is?

We've found the most success by balancing our tools with our strategies. Our tools make our strategies better because we use them to enhance, not solve.

Has your Marketing team experimented with some kind of cold outbound strategy (like cold email)? If yes what was the general outcome and if no, why not?

Our sales team works primarily on our cold outbound but lately, our marketing team has been experimenting more with cold outbound and how we can best make an impression in just a few sentences. We've been experimenting with incentives, targeting, and benefits. The strategy is definitely different from the normal inbound we do but we're happy as we're seeing results across brand recognition and even some pipeline movement.

Thanks for taking the time! Where can people find out more about
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