An interview with Kathleen Thieme, Marketing Manager at Mirabel Technologies

We sit down with Kathleen Thieme, the Marketing Manager at Mirabel Technologies. Mirabel Technologies is the next generation of automation, providing all-in-one software solutions for businesses.

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How did you end up at Mirabel and what problem does Mirabel solve for its clients?

I had previously interned with the company. So when they had an opening later down the line, they reached out to see if I was interested. Mirabel provides our clients with a media management suite complete with a CRM, marketing automation, A/R & billing, subscription management, project management, ad sales solutions, lead management & prospecting systems, and more, to help them run their businesses and increase ROI.

As the Marketing Manager, what are your main responsibilities at Mirabel?

I manage our inbound and outbound marketing campaigns, handle all client email communications (announcements, product updates, newsletters, promotions), create instructive and promotional videos of our software (product release videos, demo videos, commercials), set up webinars, organize materials and registrations for conferences and tradeshows, manage and create content for our websites, and create and organize all promotional materials, along with other miscellaneous tasks.

To get a bit more technical, what are some of the acquisition channels that have worked well for Mirabel and why do you think that is?

In my experience, an automated outbound marketing strategy with sequence workflows is the most effective. Since we developed our own automated sequence feature within our software, we have implemented a new outbound strategy that utilizes automated emails, automated scheduled phone calls, and prospecting stages that can trigger a contact to be enrolled into a sequence or to be removed from a sequence, and we have seen a notable increase in our lead conversions.

What role does your Marketing team play when it comes to organising, operating and improving your marketing-sales funnel?

As a marketing manager, I really value the insights that my team members can provide and I know that on certain things, some members may have better ideas than I do. As a team, we are very collaborative. We have meetings to exchange ideas and discuss the successes and pitfalls of strategies. As a company in general, we are also very collaborative. When it comes to new development ideas, our clients can submit their ideas and we work to implement new features that will meet not only their needs but also be very beneficial to all of our clients.

At ColdFire, when we look at our clients' Marketing strategies, they vary greatly. Some have found a single, scalable client acquisition process while others thrive on a mix of top-of-funnel strategies. If you had to summarise the high-level LeadGenMarketing strategy of Mirabel, what would it be?

We really rely on a mixture of marketing strategies whether it be utilizing digital ads, social media, SEO, blogging, webinars, conferences, or outbound sequences, but the most scalable process would definitely be the outbound sequencing.

What is a Marketing technique that you've used at Mirabel or at previous companies which you believe is underutilized at most Marketing teams - and why?

I think maintaining a very clean database is a crucial part of my current position that in other positions hasn't been prioritized. Being able to know exactly who you're targeting, when, where, how, what previous interactions you've had with them, etc., is absolutely critical. No two leads are identical, and the marketers or sales staff may switch up their strategies depending on a variety of factors.

Marketing can happen using combined tools and methodologies. Which has worked better for Mirabel and why do you think that is?

Working for Mirabel, I have been fortunate enough to be able to use the same software that we provide for our clients for all of our internal processes. Having our CRM fully integrate with our marketing automation platform and subscription suite saves me so much time, but the main benefit is that we can continue to develop the software if there is some feature we want or need. It's a one-stop-shop and it makes managing all the various aspects of my job much simpler.

Has your Marketing team experimented with some kind of cold outbound strategy (like cold email)? If yes what was the general outcome and if no, why not?

We have experimented with cold outbound strategies. A lot of our outbound sequences involve sending cold emails and making cold calls. In our experience, it has been pretty effective in capturing new leads and converting them into opportunities, but usually, it does take around 7 'touches', whether that be emails or calls or social media messages, before we can fully capture them.

Thanks for taking the time! Where can people find out more about
Mirabel Technologies
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to learn more, thanks!
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