An interview with Erin Coate, Global Head of Growth Marketing at Activeviam

We sit down with Erin Coate, Global Head of Growth Marketing at Activeviam. For over 18 years, Activeviam has provided the world’s leading financial institutions with a fully-flexible data aggregation and analytics platform.

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How did you end up at Activeviam and what problem does Activeviam solve for its clients?

ActiveViam recruited me to join their marketing organization and build out growth marketing for NAM and later expand to overseeing all global growth marketing. ActiveViam understands the data analytics challenges financial institutions face across trading desks, risk, and compliance. We have built a data analytics platform to deliver train-of-thought analysis on terabytes of data cost-effectively so our customers can confidently explain their results and model the scenarios that will optimize their business.

As the Global Head of Growth Marketing, what are your main responsibilities at Activeviam?

To partner with sales and develop campaigns and programs to drive revenue.

To get a bit more technical, which methods work best for making people aware of and interested inActiveviam , and why do you think they work so well?

Digital marketing, most importantly SEO and Adwords help our potential customers become aware and interested in ActiveViam. Most times, our customers are unsure what they need or want and they start "Googling" keywords that lead to our website. Offering a free trial on our website or driving traffic to our free trial offering has proven to convert prospects to customers. There are always events. Events help us with branding, getting in front of the right audience, and starting conversations we would never have the opportunity to conduct if we weren't present.

At ColdFire, when we look at our clients' Marketing strategies, they vary greatly. Some have found a single, scalable client acquisition process while others thrive on a mix of top-of-funnel strategies. How would you summarize the high-level marketing-related strategy of your organization, and what key elements contribute to its success?

To continue to grow our clients across the globe and expand into new emerging markets. We will do this through expanding our digital footprint and a mix of offline channels as well. Content/thought leadership pieces will play a key role in this strategy.

What marketing tactic have you employed at Activeviam or past companies that you feel is often overlooked by marketing teams, and what makes this technique effective in your experience?

Promoting a free trial. This is a great way to showcase your product to potential prospects and its low risk on their end. Offering a free trial lets them see firsthand the value they can get from using our product on their own terms.

Has your Growth team experimented with some kind of cold outbound strategy (like cold email)? If yes what was the general outcome and if no, why not?

Yes, while it hasn't worked as of yet, we are still tweaking it to see if we can generate some lead generation.

Thanks for taking the time! Where can people find out more about
Sure thing, people can go to
to learn more, thanks!
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