An interview with Andraz Reich Pogladic, SEO Marketing Manager at Leanix

We sit down with Andraz Reich Pogladic, SEO Marketing Manager at Leanix. LeanIX is the single source of truth for Corporate IT and Product IT to create transparency of the present and derive actions, shaping the future in an understandable business

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How did you end up at Leanix and what problem does Leanix solve for its clients?

Before joining LeanIX, I worked as a digital marketing manager for Cleanshelf, a SaaS management startup based in Slovenia. In March of 2021, LeanIX acquired Cleanshelf and its product became the third offering in our portfolio. This was an exciting thing for me moving from a small marketing team to a much bigger and more mature team with more responsibilities. LeanIX is like a map for businesses navigating their IT world. It gives a clear view of all software a company uses, helping them make smart decisions. It's a guide during changes, making transformations smoother and more effective from both, cost and risk perspectives.

As the SEO Marketing Manager, what are your main responsibilities at Leanix?

My main priority is to deliver high-quality leads and generate a sales pipeline through organic search. I look to increase the visibility of our web domains in SERP with the optimized content that our audience and search engines prefer. The key is to understand our products and target persona so I can find the right topics they are interested in. Once the keyword list is set, it's all about creating the content in the way or shape they prefer. With the amount of content our marketing team produces my priority later on moves to increase rankings and optimize conversion rates with new incoming downloadable assets.

How do you lead your team to organize and improve the marketing-sales process to increase sales and enhance the customer experience?

I'd focus on three things, customers, data-driven focus, and communication. One of our company values is a customer-first approach and it shows how our marketing and sales teams work. I believe that the customer should be at the heart of everything we do. Our teams continually seek feedback from sales and our customers and use it to improve our processes and strategies. This is clear in the solutions and content we produce. On the other hand, SEO role and marketing in general are built around data analytics which when combined with customer feedback, adds another level of insight into what works and what doesn't, and what we should prioritize in the future. Last but not least, we embrace communication. If the channels are not open between sales and marketing we cannot get clear feedback of the strategy that has been put into motion. Besides web and content reports, we have quarterly feedback sessions where anybody can listen and participate.

At ColdFire, when we look at our clients' Marketing and Advertising strategies, they vary greatly. Some have found a single, scalable client acquisition process while others thrive on a mix of top-of-funnel strategies. How would you summarize the overarching revenue-focused strategy of Leanix, and what key elements does it encompass?

For us, it's definitely a mix of strategies that we implement on a global level. But, specific regions, industries, or business sizes respond differently. Some work better in outbound, others with inbound, and others with a mix of both. It's on us to find the most effective and efficient recipe of what works best and apply the findings.

What is an efficient marketing technique that you've implemented at Leanix or previous companies, which you believe is underutilized by most management teams - and why do you think that is?

One of the efficient techniques which we do at LeanIX but not to its full potential is content recycling. I think it doesn't get the attention it should. Let me explain. We have different marketing teams working on specific content types and again different people working on specific marketing channels. One project could take weeks or even months to complete. So, it happens quite often that we spend most of our time on the so-called three Ps of content marketing, planning, producing, and promoting the project. One aspect that gets forgotten quite often is recycling. I believe marketing teams with a startup mentality should put more focus on recycling. There is great value in chopping down long eBooks, videos, or webpages into smaller portions, each hitting the very specific intent of a potential customer. In times, when our attention span is getting shorter and shorter and we strive for quick answers, recycling proves to be an essential piece.

Has your LeadGen team experimented with some kind of cold outbound strategy (like cold email)? If yes what was the general outcome and if no, why not?

We do outbound activities, mostly through content syndications. They proved to be effective when the vendor with the right audience is used.

Thanks for taking the time! Where can people find out more about
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